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What Should Flyers Include? « Back to list

what should flyers includeAt the end of the day, what you put on your promotional flyer is up to you. With that said, however, there are a few prerequisites that you should keep in mind if you want your flyers to be a success. In this post, highlights everything that an effective promotional flyer should include.

What Should Flyers Include?

1. Branding

When designing flyers for print, it’s imperative that you include a colour palette that is closely related to your business branding. Brand-centric design is crucial for achieving a consistent brand experience across all of your channels, leaving your potential customers more comfortable with starting a relationship with your business.

2. Important Details about your Product, Service or Event

On an all-too-frequent basis, designers focus so much on the aesthetics of their promotional flyers that they forget to include the crucial details related to their product, service or event! Clearly defining the goals of your flyer printing strategy will help to avoid leaving out important information such as location, dates, prices, offers etc.

3. Content Created for your Target Audience

Your flyer content must be in line with the personality, likes and dislikes of your target audience. This information can be ascertained through market research, and the resulting data must be at the forefront of your mind when it comes to processes such as determining your content’s tone of voice.

4. Effective Spacing

Cramming chunks of text and multiple needless images onto a printed flyer will actually detract from its overall purpose of informing your audience about what you have to offer. Instead, try to convey your message in a concise and impactful, making effective use of space between images and text where necessary.

5. A Catchy Title

Your choice of title can be the making or breaking of your promotional flyer. It is the first point of contact for your audience, so it’s vital that you make an impact. Remember: the more captivating your title, the more likely your audience will engage with the rest of the content.

Flyer Printing at

At, you can get high quality printed flyers at competitive rates. Our leading HP Indigo Digital Printing process ensures promotional flyers with rich colours, sharp imagery and crystal clear text. We deliver printed flyers throughout the UK – just go to to get started.

Author: DigitalPrinting
Date Published: 16/10/2019
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