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Why roll up banner stands should be on your Christmas list « Back to list

With the festive season quickly approaching, craft fairs, Christmas markets and winter wonderlands will all be starting to pop up across the land. This means plenty of footfall for companies to sell products to, and more importantly, customers looking for ways to part with their cash. Whether it’s at a local village craft fair or a Christmas market in a busy town, city or even shopping centre, the coming weeks will present a great opportunity for small businesses to really showcase their craft and sell their products, whatever the industry. This means it’s time for you to start planning your stall and display – how can you really make an impact on those Christmas shoppers.

With this in mind we wanted to take a look at the role that roll up banner stands can play in helping you stand out this coming festive season.

Christmas Roll Up Banner Stands - Digital Printing

How roll up banner stands can help you stand out at your Christmas fair

Extremely visual

Roll up banner stands are a very visual piece of equipment. They can really help showcase your offering, and in many occasions all you will need is a photo of what you are offering and a little bit of information about your company. This makes roll up banner stands a popular choice for many SME’s as they can really compete with the big boys at trade shows and fairs because each stall will be a similar size and it’s up to you to make yours look appealing. If you are selling a visual product (like food, toys or craft gifts) then let the image be the hero. Use colours to complement but not detract from the image.

Also make sure that the banner stand ties in with your brand and any other printed materials you may have. Finally, ensure your stall works in tandem with the banner stand. If you have a small table to display your goods then consider hanging a vinyl banner over the front of it so that everything ties in to make one great impression that visitors to a Christmas fair or market simply can’t ignore.

Lightweight and easy to transport

Christmas isn’t just a busy time for shop owners and shoppers, it’s also a busy time for those small traders who travel from Christmas fair to Christmas fair to sell their food, art and craftwork as the perfect gift ideas for Christmas. This constant movement means you need a promotional tool that works for you and ensures you get maximum impact at each event you visit. Step forward the roll up banner stand. Made with an aluminium frame, roll up banners are lightweight and easy to collapse, store and transport. Simply pull them up every time you need to use them and when your show is finished, collapse them into the metal base.

Roll up banners are also relatively cheap meaning you can get unique designs to tie in with each Christmas fair you are attending. What’s more, they are pretty robust meaning the regular transport won’t damage them in the way it could larger posters of other lighter and more flimsy printed material.

Large area to work with

While the width of roll up banners may vary, the height is pretty constant at 2 metres high (200cm). This means that roll up banners provide you with a large platform to showcase your offering this Christmas. With roll up banners starting at only €37.13 here at, this is a real cost effective way to get your message and offering onto a large piece of print. It also means you can print more than one banner stand without having to break the bank. Just because you have a large area to work with, don’t get carried away. Read our 5 tips to designing a roll up banner stand for more information on what you need to include.

Are roll up banner stands on your Christmas list?

If you’ll be attending Christmas markets and fairs over the coming weeks to showcase your products, get in touch with our expert print team today to see how roll up banner stands can help you stand out.

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